Jeanette De Caro, FNTP, RWP, BCHN®

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Welcome! I’m so glad you’re here! I’m Jeanette, the founder of Alatian Health and Wellness. My wonderful husband and I live in Northern California, and we have three grown children who are off having fun living their own lives. Of course, we always look forward to when we can all be together, no matter where it may be.

I started Alatian Health and Wellness (click here to see why the name Alatian) because I struggled with my own health issues for years, and allopathic doctors didn’t seem to listen and were quick to prescribe something to simply treat the symptoms manifesting at the time.

If you have health struggles or unexplained symptoms and your MD has told you that you are fine and your labs are all normal, or they prescribe you another pill to treat your symptoms, I know how you feel. I’ve been there. After having no energy and continually feeling like part of the aging process was just dealing with doctors prescribing endless medications for asthma, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, hypothyroidism, and then being diagnosed with an autoimmune disease (Rheumatoid Arthritis), I was fed up.

Through my studies to become a Functional Nutritional Therapy Practitioner (FNTP) and Restorative Wellness Practitioner (RWP), I learned how the body can be restored to homeostasis. Now, I help others do the same.

My philosophy is based on each person’s bio individuality. What works for one person doesn’t work for another. I believe a diet rich in nutrient-dense foods is key to helping your body heal. I also believe in functional testing, rather than guessing, to create a solid foundation of vital data that will help us get to the root cause of your health issues.

I’m here to help you! Don’t let your health conditions define you—let’s get you feeling your best!

Click Here to Read My Story

In 2013 and at the age of 46, I felt like I was at the end of my rope. After several years of going to the doctor for one issue or another, my body had finally hit the proverbial wall. Despite using two different medications, my life-long asthma was out of control, causing me to wake up nightly, practically unable to breathe. I developed plantar fasciitis, making it difficult to walk, let alone jog or exercise. I seemed to constantly catch a virus that often led to bronchitis, forcing me to take antibiotics. My doctor diagnosed me with high cholesterol and high blood pressure and put me on a statin, which made me feel like I had been run over by a tank…twice! I thought this was just where my life was headed as I was “getting older”.

When the doctor ran a routine test and determined that my liver enzyme levels were too high, she said that I needed to stop drinking my occasional glass of red wine. Well, that was the straw that broke the camel's back! I surely wasn’t about to let that happen, and at that point, I told myself that “I’m done with traditional doctors”.

I didn’t understand how this could be happening to me, but I knew there had to be something I could do about it. I recognized that these doctors were just treating my symptoms and not vested in getting to the root cause of my issues. I read every book and article I could find, trying to better understand my issues and what could be done about them.

I ended up finding a Functional Medicine Doctor that actually listened to me, and after several visits and tests, she diagnosed me with Hypothyroidism and Insulin Resistance. During that next year of making changes to my diet and lifestyle, adding supplements, and prioritizing my health, I was a completely different person. My asthma was under control, my blood pressure was normal, my cholesterol levels improved, and my liver markers were spot on. My plantar fasciitis also went away, and I was able to start working out again. This was the first time I truly understood that food is medicine. I was in the best shape of my life and felt young again.

Over the following years, I unfortunately started to slip back into some of the same old eating patterns as before, and I found myself visiting the “gluten-free processed foods aisle” of the grocery store a little too often. In early 2019, something was definitely “off” again. One of my feet started to hurt, and then days later the other one hurt. Next, random joints here and there started to hurt. But when the joints in my hands became painful and started to swell, I knew—Rheumatoid Arthritis. Being diagnosed with an autoimmune disease was devastating, I’m not going to lie. You never really think it’s going to happen to you, until it does.

I read everything I could get my hands on and spent hours upon hours studying and reviewing research material. After my initial shock and various days of having a “pity-party”, I decided that I wasn’t going down without a fight. I realized that my epigenetics lead me to this disease and going gluten-free and mostly dairy-free years ago wasn’t enough. Knowing about the severe side effects, I also didn’t want to immediately go on heavy pharmaceutical and immune suppressing drugs, which is the first place that Rheumatologists start.

After extensive reading and research, I eventually discovered the Nutritional Therapy Association (NTA), and I knew that becoming an FNTP is what I was meant to do. I am now managing my autoimmune symptoms through whole nutrient-dense foods, healing my gut, addressing inflammation, balancing blood sugar and hormones, taking targeted supplements, modifying environmental and household factors, changing my lifestyle, and following a targeted allopathic treatment based on specific testing from my Integrative Rheumatologist.

As an FNTP, I offer clients specific tools for getting to the root cause of imbalance and assessing the body’s nutritional deficiencies. I teach people how to address those weaknesses through a properly prepared whole foods diet, supplementation, and lifestyle changes.

My professional career background has been in Product Management, Operations, and Quality and Contracts for various semiconductor companies for over 30 years. Now, along with being an FNTP and operating Alatian Health and Wellness, I’m also a Restorative Wellness Practitioner, Board Certified in Holistic Nutrition® (Candidate), and I have been a Course Mentor with the NTA for multiple classes.

I regularly keep up with current health trends by reading the latest studies and books, as well as attending continuing education conferences and seminars. I find my joy in teaching and educating others to regain their energy, feel their best, and live their lives to the fullest.

Motivation comes from within — and I’m here to help you activate it.